
Humanitarian Logistics Strategy workshop with humedica at C³M

Between the 10th and 12th of August 2016 the C3M’s long-standing partner humedica e.V. visited the ERCIS headquarters in order to develop a logistics strategy for humedica based on the findings of the PhD project of Adam Widera. Following a process and performance analysis of humedica’s supply chain network and logistics setup started in the year 2011; a performance management system (PMS) was developed and applied over the last four years. Based on the related qualitative and quantitative findings a couple of promising improvement potentials were identified and exemplary addressed within humedica’s logistics network and management. During the last workshop, the data gathered since the implementation of the PMS was analysed in order to develop a dedicated logistics strategy following the specific situation of humedica’s mission objectives and capabilities. For this purpose the current organizational structures and logistics processes were reflected by humedica’s deputy CEO (Bernd Herger), supply chain (Herrmann Schäffler) and logistics manager (Manuel Heinemann). With support of our latest C3M member Laura Hinsche, the humedica process models and PMS developed by Adam Widera were discussed in the light of further organizational changes, considering the dimensions of processes and structures as well as information systems. Besides, further collaboration areas between humedica and the C3M were identified and we are looking forward to the next steps.