
As we head into the New Year, ISCRAM2024 is gaining momentum!

We've hit 200 followers on LinkedIn! We've received dozens of submissions already! ISCRAM 2024 is gearing up to be a momentous landmark achievement for the Competence Center for Crisis Management (C³M), together with the IdF and the University of Münster. A huge thank you to everyone for your support!

As the holidays continue to provide us with a much needed dose of relaxation, delicious food, and warm drinks, we at the C³M wholeheartedly wish you a joyous New Year.  And to all our dedicated authors preparing to submit CoRe papers by December 31st, we're cheering you on for that final push!

Happy Holidays and here's to an exciting 2024! 

P.S. If you have not followed the ISCRAM2024 page on LinkedIn, please click on this link and join us on this exciting journey!